Sunday 4 March 2012

I have bread for my lunch. My mother prepares it for me. I found a magic wand in my lunchbox one day. I was excited. It made lovely magic and it was pink. It was alive for me. I told my cousin about it. I kept it with me and I used it for good deeds. The wand didn’t have arms. The wand was a girl. When I met my friends I told them all about the wand. The wand helped me with my homework. I called my wand Sarafina. My wand ate flowers and made pink dust. It was decorated with blue hearts. At night my wand dreamt about me and I dreamt about her. My wand had feet. I loved my wand.
Anthea Kert

1 comment:

  1. Interesting story. I liked when she found the wand. Molly
